The Old Queen's Head,
93 Feet east
and the relaunch of our monthly summer craft markets in Walthamstow!
And if that wasn't enough we'll be pitching our tent at the Indie Tracks festival for a summer craft workshop...Rock N Roll, we're bringing it to the kids!
We've also been featured in a few web sites and magazines so fingers crossed there will be others inspired to start up their own Craft Guerrillas. In fact we have one ready in the side lines and our crafty sisters are ready and waiting to get things rolling in June.
So we hope you can join us a t some point.
This Wednesday...

The Castle 15 Grosvenor Rise East Walthamstow Village E17.Craft projects,in house tutors,guest DJ's,Vintage board games and more! Don't forget those Guilty Pleasures-records you love to hate and we'll spin them!
Tuesday 5th May 93 Feet East- Pink Bar

Cloths swap...a Swaperama at the Craft Guerrilla washing line!
Just in time to help you spring clean your wardrobe the Craft Guerrilla are holding a clothes swap at 93 Feet East on Tuesday 5th May.
Boys and girls, fling open your drawers and bring all those clothes, shoes and accessories that you don't wear anymore (although please make sure they're clean and in good condition) and swap them for new ones! The Craft Guerrilla tutors will be available to help you pimp your new clothes with vintage buttons and other trimmings.
As with all our DIY Craft Nights, please feel free to bring your own projects. Foxed by a knitting pattern? Got your garter tangled with your stocking stitches? Running stitch run away with you? Want to learn how to darn / knit / crochet? Ask our tutors to help you out!
£5 cover charge if you're taking part in the clothes swap or FREE ENTRY if you're bringing your own projects.
Please get there with your clothes by 8PM as the first hour will be spent hanging them up and eyeing up your potential swaps! Please bring at least one item to swap per person.
As always the Craft Guerrilla DJs & guests will provide some crafty beats while you knit, sew and pose in your new clothes.
For more information visit:
Where? 93 Feet East, Brick Lane
When? 8-11PM Tuesday 5th May
How much? £5 for clothes swap or free entry if bringing own projects
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