Thursday, 12 August 2021

Keep on crafting....

Hello Craft Lovers! It's been a while and so I thought I'd give you a quick update... Craft Guerrilla is still going although nowhere as active as in the past! If you'd still like to open your own army in any part of the UK (or the world) get in touch... we'd love to get things moving again! This past year has been hard on everyone and as we mainly work offering public and group events we've had to completely stop. In a way it's been positive as it's made us take stock and reevalute what we actually wanted to do. Letting go of certain events and rethinking how we do others is something which has been at the forefront of our minds for a while anyway! It's been tough but I think it's also been cathartic! As we move into returning to "normality" we hope that we can do things differently, like going back to our roots of working with recycled materials, coolaborating with people we admire and who share our ethics as well as concetrating more on those ethics and finding ways to make them work along with making and creating! We're looking forward to being more present and active with issues we feel are important to us and our community with the creation of campaigns and projects which fit in with our long held beliefs. So pretty much we're taking Craft Guerrilla back to our craftivism roots! That was always the intention though along the way we grew and expanded into all sorts or beautiful and fun avenues... and that is still something we enjoy and want to offer too. I hope it's a jourtney you'll want to take along with us... And so all that is left to say is that even though we're pretty quiet at the moment we are still here dreaming up ways of making Craft Guerrilla an important and viable collective...we haven't forgotten about you! Keep crafting, keep healthy, look after one another and hopefully together we can make the world that much more brighter. Lots of love from Debbie and the Craft Guerrilla army!