Monday, 4 April 2011

Tombola winner announced!

Thanks to everyone that supported our Virtual Tombola. It was fun though we didn't make that much money but it all goes into the pot and has been added to the auction takings to send over to the Japan Animal relief and rescue charity. We sent in total over £100.
We thank you all!
And so to announce the lovely winner...DRUM ROLL PLEASE....
Miss Nelly Barbara.
Please check your in box as we have contacted you via e-mail. Your prizes will be posted to you as soon as we have confirmation of your address. You are a very lucky,lucky lady!!!

*image taken from tattoos for girls

1 comment:

Marthaamay O_o said...

Hello E L Craft Guerrilla!
Congratulations Miss Nelly!
Looking forward to the bunting night!