Thursday, 2 May 2013

Chirp, chirp, cheep, cheep...spring time is making time!

Thanks to the awesome talent of Think Big Chief here's a brilliant freebie for all you birdie loving crafters!
Make your own 3D models of realistic birds and drive your cats bonkers! But seriously leave them kitties alone... that's just my warped mind though it could prove to be quite fun and a little bit naughty! Sorry Mr Kitty I do love you.

But if you fancy making them for any other reason be prepared to have fun making!!! I love 3D paper craft and I think you'll enjoy it too. It's a really pleasurable technique... cutting, folding, gluing...ah pure paper bliss!

So if you fancy making your very own chaffinch or king fisher then all you need is some paper, a printer, glue, scalpel and scissors!
I think they'd look great as part of a table display (think garden parties or even weddings!) and though I know they are made of paper I still had to look twice just to make sure they weren't real.

 Click on the link for your free downloads:


1 comment:

Jo Waterhouse said...

Those a fabulous! Can't wait to have a go! Jx