Sunday, 9 August 2009

illustrators needed!!!

We're super excited about hosting our E17 Art Trail event in September! Last year was really great fun. It was the push we needed to start our D.I.Y. craft nights. As well as the Art Trail being a great inspiration for people like us it's also a great opportunity to publicise your work and collaborate with others.
It's not only an event for locals because we've had visitors from all over the UK and abroad.Now in it's 5th year it's caused quite a lot of attention.There have been other Trails popping up around the capital and the UK.It's always such fun to participate in the Trail. As this years guest editor writing the introduction showed me just how diverse and plentiful the borough has become. The amount of original events and art work is absolutely awesome! It's a true hot bed of ideas!

Our "Craftea party" is a celebration of two great British institutes...Craft and Tea! We'll be hosting a tea party in the Vestry House Museum and visitors will be able to relax and make some CRAFT while enjoying a cup of tea and a slice of cake.
To coincide with the event our tri-monthly Craft-Zine will be on sale during the whole of trail in the E17 Art Trail pop up book shop and in several retail outlets in the area.
This special edition will be a super duper homage to all things TEA related and of course CRAFT. We're basically on the look out for any illustrator that would like to do the cover for us. Unfortunately it's unpaid work but we'll feature you in the Craft Zine plus include your contact details. Let me know if you are interested and I'll send you a design brief. e mail Deborah at:

Please note that before we except you we need to see examples of your art work.

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